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New Music: Kenyon Dixon, 'Supafly'

If the Black exploitation film era had a sound for Modern day music, then Kenyon Dixon’s newest project “Supafly” is the perfect body of work to set the tone. Indie artist Kenyon Dixon is back with his fifth project, and an entirely new sound. With its complex instrumentation, smooth vocals, and layered harmonies, you won’t want to take it off of repeat. Depending on the day, Kenyon Dixon isn’t just your typical singer/song-writer. While this is his fifth project release, this is his first attempt at a solo production, penning and producing each song in its entirety. You’re going to want to close your eyes to tune out the world during your first listen, seeing how every track sounds like it was designed for a modern day Studio 54 party. When asked what influenced his project, he alludes that his music is fly, but he wanted this next project to be something beyond that, which led him to the conclusion that it needed to be SUPER… and super is exactly the correct word to describe this musical journey.

From the start, Dixon lets his voice literally set the tone with some dope harmonies, and then before you know it there’s a full on groove very reminiscent to a Roger & Zapp's sound. His first full length track is also the albums tittle, ‘Supafly', giving us an upgraded psychedelic vibe. The transitions from full on singing to talk-rapping flow like velvet, and each track melts into another so well I often forgot the previous song was over. Dixon continues to finesse that fine line of baby-making music on his track ‘Roleplay', where he sings about a love affair with an unavailable woman and their tempting intimate endeavors. The track that is the most striking in song lyrics and vocals is the ballad-esque track ‘Gravity’, where Dixon croons about defying the odds against love.

Every track gives you an R&B vibe that easily crosses over into a pop-dance influence; smooth enough for those summer night drives, yet a mid-tempo beat and strong bass for a roof top cookout, and enough synthesizer/auto tune for a hot dance party. His ability to pen universal lyrics that any artist can add to their discography is a skill most song-writers haven’t mastered, and the most popular fall somewhere between The Dream and NeYo. Through it all he manages to keep a humble spirit, constantly working on his craft and connecting with his fans on a deep level. Independent artist may want to take notes, because Mr. Kennygotsoul has managed to build a consistent sound that evolves with every project, therefore he never lets his audience down because he’s constantly surprising them.

Start your year off right by purchasing Kenyon Dixon’s album Supafly on iTunes Friday, January 15th. If there was ever a time you don’t want to miss out, then this is it. You can also follow Kenyon on instagram or twitter under the handle @kennygotsoul.

*visit the afrovocative FB page or IG account to see how you can win a free copy of SUPAFLY this Sunday.

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